Ways to Make a Difference
Please Donate
Collection for Blankets and Tools will take place in February. Checks should be made out to: Church World Service.
Collection for Avon Heat Fund will take place in February. Checks should be made out to: Avon Interfaith Council with Avon Heat Fund written on the memo line).
Thank you for your donations for the Thanksgiving baskets and Christmas Joy.
Collection of toys of tots --- ages 3-5. Thank you for your generous contributions!!!
Collection of giftbags for Nursing Homes. Everyone at the nursing homes will receive joy this Christmas because of your donations. Thank you!
Organ Fund - October 11th is the CPC Pipe Organ's 126th birthday. If you appreciate the beautiful sounds of the CPC pipe organ, please consider giving to the Organ Fund. The organ fund is for expensive renovations/updates needed on the organ. The 1101 pipes of our organ are calling out to you --- to please help preserve this beautiful instrument. Please make checks out to "Central Presbyterian Church" and make sure you put "Organ Fund" on the memo line. Thank you for your donations.
Peace & Global Witness special offerings can help build a more just and peaceful world. Please bring your donation to church on October 6th. Please make your check out to "Presbyterian Church (USA)". You could also make your donation online at pcusa.org/give/peace-global.
The Avon Food Pantry needs: cereal! You could also donate: crackers, canned chicken breast, chicken noodle soup, tomato soup, baked beans, cereal, relish, salad dressings, canned corn, mandarin oranges, canned fruit - peaches, pears, pineapple, mixed fruit, peanut butter, tea bags, instant coffee. There is a box next to the church office for donations. Your donation will help our community and makes a big difference in a child's life. Thank you!
THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING THE CHURCH. We appreciate the generosity of your time and your treasure.
Thank you for your generous contributions throughout the year. Know that your gifts of money, talent and time have made a difference - in our church community, the Avon community and the world. It is through individuals working together that help make this world a better place! Thank you!